That's right. The weather is warmer and we’re poking our heads out of our hibernation station. Yes, you heard that right- btc will be heading down to Seafolk in Rockport, Maine this weekend, to lead some coastal coffee buds through a cupping of our menu. It's been a MINUTE since our last time slinging coffee down yonder and we’re looking forward to seeing all the old buds and hey maybe some new ones, too.
Wait, “what’s a cupping” say ye. A coffee cupping essentially is a coffee tastings, with a few other lil’ rites and rituals. We grind coffee into little bouillon bowls, check out the dry fragrance of the coffee, pour water on it, smell it's wet aroma, break the crust that forms, skim off some grinds, let it steep for 10 minutes and begin SLURPING (or sipping) the brew with spoons. Whoever slurps the loudest (without coffee going down the wrong pipe) wins. From there, folks typically talk about what they’re tasting, what the differences are between the cups are, and then run a few miles with all the new caffeine energy they have. Okay, the last bits not true. But you can. Or you can go dancing.
Ta Da, a cupping... or that's why it's called a cupping and not a tasting.
Anyway, it's gonna be fun and free. I would love to see ya there. 1PM.